Increase engagement of your members & subscribers with on-site widgets

Poool Engage is a powerful engagement tool for digital marketing teams to increase lifetime value & avoid churn thanks to
ready-to-use and fully customizable on-site widgets like sticky banners, newsletter sign-up elements, pre-home pages, pop-ups and forms that you can configure with deep granularity without asking your tech team a single thing

Create this wall in 3 easy steps with Poool

Increase reader engagement

  • checkIntegrate newsletter sign-up elements into content or as an overlay
  • checkBuild engagement elements in any format: pop-up, banner, content block, full screen...
  • checkModify form fields, collecting the data that’s valuable to you
  • checkPromote membership or subscription products in any format, anywhere on your site
  • checkConfigure display conditions to target elements with deep granularity

Retain members and subscribers

  • checkBuild engaging onboarding journeys for new members and subscribers
  • checkEncourage readers to download your app, create an account, sign up to your newsletter…
  • checkAlert subscribers when their credit or debit card is about to expire
  • check…and any other strategy to increase reader revenue that you can imagine
Launch A/B tests in seconds thanks to the Poool dashboard
Configure multi-display conditions


  • checkConfigure multiple display conditions to target audiences based on their source of traffic, device used or engagement metrics on-page (scroll depth, time passed, number of visits, etc.)
  • checkManage the number of times that a user should see the same element
  • checkStart from zero or use on of our ready-to-go templates
  • checkEdit designs in minutes, without tech using our design builder
  • checkCollect data and send to your chosen DMP thanks to our 3rd party connectors (Zapier, webhook)

The Tools. The Expertise. The Inspiration.

  • checkThe tools: The complete set of tools needed to master your reader revenue model, from engagement & registration, to subscription & retention
  • checkThe expertise: Audience conversion specialists to support you in continuously optimizing performance with strategic guidance
  • checkThe inspiration with The Audiencers, the industry-leading community for media pros we launched in 2022

Client testimonials

Poool nous a permis de mieux qualifier nos segments de lecteur et de déployer une stratégie efficace de création de compte sur notre plateforme, extrêmement facilement. Notre prochaine étape : proposer une expérience utilisateur spécifique à chaque segment d'audience.
Benjamin Lupu - Chief Digital Officer - The Africa Report
Benjamin Lupu - Chief Digital Officer — The Africa Report
Nous avons intégré Poool sur notre site très rapidement grâce au support efficace de leur équipe. Poool Access nous permet d'adapter le paywall aux différents profils de nos utilisateurs pour maximiser nos taux de conversion.
Jimmy Temporao - Product owner - Journal du Dimanche
Jimmy Temporao - Product owner — Journal du Dimanche
Quote a réussi à tripler sa base d’abonnés en 3 ans. Utiliser Poool nous a énormément aidés à accomplir nos objectifs. Cela nous a permis de tester et de mettre en place des stratégies paywalls efficaces très rapidement.
Frédéric Désiles - Directeur Marketing Digital - Alter Eco
Frédéric Désiles - Directeur Marketing Digital — Alter Eco

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